Telephone: +44 (0) 1268 728077
Stock Specification
SCHOTT Shortpass filters - Light of short wavelengths can pass through these filters
The SCHOTT KG series of optical filter glasses are virtually colourless with high transmission in the visible and effective absorption in the IR (heat protection filters)
Schott KG series heat absorbing glass is used to reduce the transmitted heat through an optical system.
The Schott KG filter glasses absorb wavelengths in the Infrared IR spectrum. Unlike hot mirrors, which reflect the infrared wavelengths
Schott KG filter glasses can also be used as a shortpass filter, in order to pass the visible and block the IR.
The Schott KG filter glasses absorb infrared radiation and dissipate the heat into the air around the glass.
* PLEASE NOTE: SCHOTT KG4 material is now discontinued and obsolete. We have limited supplies remaining.
All Filters manufactured from GENUINE SCHOTT KG Materials and at the correct thickness of 2.0mm
Filters can be toughened on request
Custom sizes and thickness available on request